The 10th International Landscape Architecture Exhibition 2023 – Selected projects

A total of 44 projects were submitted for the 10th International Landscape Architecture Exhibition 2023From the submitted projects, the Selection Committee selected 41, which will be published in the Exhibition Catalog and exhibited in the SASA Gallery of Science and Technology, from 7th to 30 th of June, 2023.

Besides the projects from Serbia (35), there are 6 projects from 5 other countries: Greece (2), Montenegro (1), Canada (1), United Kingdom (1) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (1).

The number of projects by category is shown in the table:

Kategorija //
Prijavljeni radovi //
Applied Projects
Selektovani radovi // Selected Projects
Realizovani projekti // Implemented LA Design 6 4
Projekti // Design (non implemented) 15 9
Planovi // Plans 1 1
Studije-istraživanja // Studies and Research 1 7
Publikacije // Publication / /
Video // Video 1 /
Studentski radovi // Student projects 20 20
 Ukupno // Total 44 41

10th LA Exhibition 2023-Selected Projects

The Jury evaluated the selected projects and decided to award a total of 8 awards for best projects in all categories.
They assigned:
– one Grand Prix,
– one award “Stevan Milinković” for the best student work,
– 6 awards by category of projects.

The Serbian Association of Landscape Architects cordially invites you to the opening ceremony of the 10th Landscape Architecture Exhibition in Belgrade.
The opening of the exhibition and the award ceremony will be held on the 9th of June 2023 at 6 pm, at Gallery of Science and Technology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in Belgrade, Đure Jakšića Street 2.

The Exhibition will be opened to visitors from 7th to 30th of June 2023.

Serbian Association of Landscape Architects